18 Oct All IN’s submissions to the Government of Canada on the proposed national housing strategy
On October 17th, the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, All IN made its submissions to the Government of Canada on the proposed national housing strategy.
We focus our submissions on the following:
1. All housing should be integrated, so that people of diverse backgrounds and income levels can live together in every neighbourhood.
2. Supportive housing for the elderly and for people with physical, psychological, and developmental challenges should form part of any national housing strategy.
3. A national plan should include a concrete, but fluid definition of affordability, so that there are suitable housing options available to people of diverse income levels.
4. A national housing strategy must be accompanied with immediate and long-term meaningful financial investments and support from the federal government so that housing plans can be implemented immediately, homelessness can be eradicated quickly, and long-term plans can be executed effectively.
5. Finally, the housing needs of our First Nations communities are urgent and must be addressed immediately. This issue must not be put off any longer. Suitable, safe housing, access to clean water year-round and to reliable heating in the winter are some of the most basic needs of all people. Our national housing strategy must provide immediate relief and solutions to the housing crisis that prevails in some of our First Nations communities.
Read our submissions here:
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